Bodoni Sans Text Family Font Download gratuito

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lug 20, 2019
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Bodoni Sans Text  Family Font Font

Oggi presenteremo il buon carattere Sans Serif Retro Fancy chiamato Bodoni Sans Text Family Font aggiornato su lug 20, 2019. 100% gratuito per il download e l'installazione nel sistema per Personal & Commercial Use!.

Bodoni Sans Text Family Font è disponibile come Personal & Commercial Use! caratteri equipaggiati a partire da caratteri maiuscoli, minuscoli, numerici e alcuni caratteri speciali e alternativi.

Bodoni Sans Text Family Font sono molto adatti per loghi, marchi, inviti, articoli di cartoleria, disegni di nozze, inviti, loghi, biglietti da visita, copertine, magliette, post sui social media e altro ancora. Sarà anche usato per creare un'immagine fantastica, testo con vari tipi di colori e testo.

quindi usa il pulsante di download qui sotto e ottieni Bodoni Sans Text Family Font nella tua finestra, Mac o Android sotto forma di OTF, TTF .

Come installare un carattere

Dovrai estrarre i caratteri dal file ZIP o RAR prima di installarli, quindi:

Windows 10/8/7 / Vista: fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul file del carattere e seleziona Installa.

Mac OS X: Fai doppio clic sul file del carattere Fai clic sul pulsante "Installa carattere".

Bodoni Sans is a new classic built on the foundation of two centuries of history. Fresh and contemporary, while feeling familiar. Stylish and sophisticated, confident and elegant.

Bodoni Sans is more than just chopping off the serifs. The classical proportions of the capitals and x-heights were maintained, but the letterforms were rebalanced for use without serifs. Contemporary modifications were made to some widths, as well as an all new Light weight was created.

High contrast is the key feature of Bodoni Sans. To maintain this contrast over a wide range of sizes, three optical sizes were drawn: Standard, Display and Text. Contrast adjustments were made for each optical size for optimal performance.

The Standard was designed for the mid range of 12 to 60pt, Display for 48pt and above, and Text for 6 to 12pt. Web/Digital use was also considered while developing Bodoni Sans. The fonts were tested as web formats, and examined on a variety of screens, to ensure seamless use in both print and digital applications.

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