EB Garamond Font Download gratuito

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Aggiornato su:
ott 21, 2018
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EB Garamond Font Font

Oggi presenteremo il buon carattere Serif chiamato EB Garamond Font aggiornato su ott 21, 2018. 100% gratuito per il download e l'installazione nel sistema per Personal & Commercial Use!.

EB Garamond Font è disponibile come Personal & Commercial Use! caratteri equipaggiati a partire da caratteri maiuscoli, minuscoli, numerici e alcuni caratteri speciali e alternativi.

EB Garamond Font sono molto adatti per loghi, marchi, inviti, articoli di cartoleria, disegni di nozze, inviti, loghi, biglietti da visita, copertine, magliette, post sui social media e altro ancora. Sarà anche usato per creare un'immagine fantastica, testo con vari tipi di colori e testo.

quindi usa il pulsante di download qui sotto e ottieni EB Garamond Font nella tua finestra, Mac o Android sotto forma di OTF, TTF .

Come installare un carattere

Dovrai estrarre i caratteri dal file ZIP o RAR prima di installarli, quindi:

Windows 10/8/7 / Vista: fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul file del carattere e seleziona Installa.

Mac OS X: Fai doppio clic sul file del carattere Fai clic sul pulsante "Installa carattere".

EB Garamond is meant being a fantastic, classical, Garamond. It is actually a group job to develop a revival of Claude Garamont’s well known humanist typefaces from the mid-16th century. This digital version reproduces the first style and design by Claude Garamont closely: The source for that letterforms is often a scan of a specimen known as the “Berner specimen,” which was composed in 1592 by Conrad Berner, the son-in-law of Christian Egenolff and his successor in the Egenolff print place of work. This specimen shows Garamont’s roman and Granjon’s italic varieties at various dimensions. That’s why the title of the venture: Egenolff-Berner Garamond.

Why one more Garamond? That typeface is often a vital instant in the background of typography, and European sort designers are reacting to this function at any time given that. It is actually most likely quite possibly the most revived typeface during the globe and lots of are excellent. During the planet of free/libre society, even so, only a several Garamond-inspired kinds exist, and none share the scope of the task.